
Our proposed study aims to take that first step towards endo-DMTx by isolating and characterising an endogenous regulator of DMT biosynthesis – an endogenous “switch” that regulates and controls DMT production in the brain.
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The extended-state DMTx technology has the potential to revolutionise how we explore the DMT worlds and interact with the intelligences that reside within them. But what if we could dispense with exogenous drugs and the needle entirely and use our own endogenous DMT production machinery to access these realms? DMT has been detected in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid of humans since the 1950s and a recent study measured DMT levels in mammalian brain comparable to serotonin and dopamine, strongly suggesting a functional role in human neurochemistry. However, we still know next to nothing about how DMT production in the human brain is regulated. If we hope to one day “hack” our endogenous DMT system to control levels of DMT in the human brain and to enter the DMT state for extended periods without the need for intravenous infusion systems – DMTx becomes endo-DMTx – understanding these regulatory mechanisms is of primary importance. Our proposed study aims to take that first step towards endo-DMTx by isolating and characterising an endogenous regulator of DMT biosynthesis – an endogenous “switch” that regulates and controls DMT production in the brain.